
Our 10:30 a.m. Our Sunday services centre on Anglican liturgy with a strong emphasis on biblical  preaching.

The style of worship includes traditional hymns, as well as some more modern songs, led by organ, piano, and choir. Communion is offered nearly every Sunday.


Music is a vital part of life and worship at St. Cyprian’s. Our choir is always open to new  members and sings weekly, except over summer. We are also introducing modern praise music and periodically host a praise band. Our music director, Laura Hope, has all the details.


For Children

We aim to make Children's Sunday School available during our church service for children from kindergarten to Grade 6. Whenever there is no Sunday School, “busy bags” are provided for special children’s activities.

Bible Studies

There is an open Bible Study after church on Sundays and a Zoom  study on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. A biblically based, 20-minute Guided Meditation is offered on Zoom every Wednesday at noon.


Pastoral Care

Our priest offers pastoral care to anyone who requests it. Because St. Cyprian's has a registered nurse on our staff team, tender loving care is also just a phone call away through our Parish Nursing ministry. Whatever your need/concern, we are dedicated to be of service. 


Prayer Ministries

In addition to public  intercessions, members of the Prayer Chain pray confidentially for members of the parish and others for whom prayers are requested.  St. Cyprian’s also offers a healing ministry of anointing and prayer at occasional services and by special request.


Ministry Groups

Other Ministries

Lay Assistants, Servers and Crucifers
This team works very hard assisting the Rector/Priest-in-Charge during services, thereby making them more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone in the congregation.


Altar Guild
The duties of the Altar Guild are to polish, launder, maintain linens, restock purifiers, water flowers, conduct light housekeeping, and to change the cloth on the altar and liturgical hangings in accordance with the church calendar.

Greeters and Sidespersons
The members of this ministry provide visitors with the assistance and information to ensure a positive and welcoming experience at our services. Duties can include welcoming folks, distributing hymnbooks and orders of service, providing appropriate seating, and ensuring that the books, name tags, and audio equipment are properly stored after services.


Sunday Hospitality Time
After every Sunday service, there is a hospitality time for light refreshments hosted by different members of the congregation.


Ravel Church Properties
This non-profit organization oversees the building and property maintenance and upkeep on behalf of the three congregations of St. Cyprian's Anglican, Iona Presbyterian and St. Christopher's Chinese Anglican. The board is comprised of four representatives from each church and the three clergy.

Responsible Ministry & Screening in Faith
In accordance with the policies of Diocese of Toronto, all people who are in positions or ministries identified as “at-risk” relative to church assets, confidentiality, and possible sexual misconduct must take “responsible ministry” training.

Outreach Ministries



Our outreach programmes have included the following projects:


Annual Garage Sale 

All three Tri-Church congregations conduct an annual garage sale in September, which welcomes community  donors and buyers alike.  The money raised helps fund the Christmas hamper programme and other initiatives.


Christmas Hamper Programme

Christmas food hampers and children's gifts are provided to several families in the neighborhood through the combined efforts of the St. Cyprian's, Iona, and St. Christopher's   congregations. 


Community Gardens
Garden plots are made available on a section of our property to anyone who does not have a backyard for a garden and who would like to tend a garden. Tools and soil conditioners are supplied on site. Tri-Church congregations have also recently planted a new "pollinator" garden on church land.

Gibson House & Flemington Park

We have donated both money and supplies. St. Cyprian's has also offered church services and sent Christmas remembrances to  Gibson House.



Thanks to support from Neighbourlink, many local people are able to remain in their homes. Church members have volunteered with others from area churches to serve the community through participating in regular home visitations, driving to medical appointments, answering the phone, and assisting in the office. 


Operation Christmas Child

We participate in this wonderful programme run by Samaritan’s Purse, packing shoeboxes at Christmas to be sent to children around the world.

Tri-Church Benevolent Fund and Food Bank Donations

We have occasionally assisted the needy financially and given vegetables from our community garden and other donations to a food bank and to other nearby organizations who help others.